
A scalable system can handle varying degrees of load (traffic) while maintaining the desired performance. It is possible to have a scalable system that is slow or a fast site that cannot scale. If you can handle 100 requests per second (RPS), do you know what to do if traffic increases to 1,000 RPS? The cloud is well suited to producing a reliable and scalable system, but only if you plan for it.

Scaling Options

To increase the capacity of a system, you can generally go in two directions. You can increase the size/power of individual servers (scaling up) or add more servers to the system (scaling out). In both cases, your system must be capable of taking advantage of these changes.

Scaling Up

Consider a simple system, a website with a dependency on a data store of some kind. Using load testing, you determine that the site gets slower above 100 RPS. That may be fine now, but you want to know your options if the traffic increases or decreases. In the cloud, the most straightforward path is usually to scale up the server that your site or database is running on. For example, in Azure, you can choose from hundreds of machine sizes, all with different CPU/memory and network capabilities, so spinning up a new machine with different specifications is reasonably easy.
Increasing the size of your server may increase the number of requests you can handle, but it is limited by the ability of your code to take advantage of more RAM, or more CPU cores. Changing the size often reveals that something else in your system (such as your database) is the limiting factor. It is possible to scale the server for your database as well, making higher capacity possible with the same architecture.
It is worth noting that you should also test scaling down. For example, if your traffic is only 10 RPS, you could save money by running a smaller machine or database.
Scaling up is limited by the upper bound of how big a single machine can be. That upper limit may cover your foreseeable needs, but it is still an example of a poorly scalable system. Your goal is a system that can be configured to handle any level of traffic.
An infinitely scalable system is hard, as you will hit different limits. A reasonable approach is to plan for 10 times your current traffic and accept that work will be needed to go further.

Scaling Out

Scaling out is the path to high scalability and is one of the major benefits of building in the cloud. Increasing the number of machines in a pool as needed, and then reducing it when traffic lowers, is difficult to do in an on-premises situation. In most clouds, adding and removing servers can happen automatically, so that a traffic spike is handled without any intervention. Scaling out also increases reliability, as a system with multiple machines can better tolerate failure.
Unfortunately, not every system is designed to be run on multiple machines. State may be saved on the server; for example, requiring users to hit the same machine on multiple requests. For a database, you will have to plan how data is split or kept in sync.

Keep Scalability in Mind, but Don’t Overdo It

Consider how your system could scale up or down as early as possible because that decision will guide your architecture. Do you need to know the upper bound? Does everything have to automatically scale? No! Optimizing for high growth too early is unnecessary. Instead, as you gather usage data, continue testing and planning.

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Published On: October 3, 2022By

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